Eating Okonomiyaki in Asakusa, Tokyo

My time is coming to an end, here in Tokyo. I am saying goodbye to many of my friends I met here. One of my best buddies, Katsu (my travel buddy in my Bali posts) and I had a casual fair well dinner at a narrow Okonomiyaki joint in Asakusa, Tokyo. Okonomiyaki is a traditional … Continue reading Eating Okonomiyaki in Asakusa, Tokyo

A day in old Tokyo (Asakusa)

I decided to write about my experience in certain parts of Japan. Hopefully they will inspire you to come explore Japan, or give you an idea of what you can do in certain districts. First is one day in Asakusa, the ancient district in Tokyo, where tradition can be found. Whenever I’m tried of the hustle … Continue reading A day in old Tokyo (Asakusa)