A Short Day Trip to Hakone

Another excellent place to take a day trip from Tokyo is Hakone (箱根). It's only an hour and a half or so from Tokyo and feels more traditional Japanese than the metropolitan Tokyo. Hakone is famous for Onsens, Lake Ashi, and black eggs from Sulfur. As a goodbye trip, we took a very late train … Continue reading A Short Day Trip to Hakone

Eating Okonomiyaki in Asakusa, Tokyo

My time is coming to an end, here in Tokyo. I am saying goodbye to many of my friends I met here. One of my best buddies, Katsu (my travel buddy in my Bali posts) and I had a casual fair well dinner at a narrow Okonomiyaki joint in Asakusa, Tokyo. Okonomiyaki is a traditional … Continue reading Eating Okonomiyaki in Asakusa, Tokyo

Owl Cafe in Tokyo, Japan! Fukurou Cafe de Takadanobaba

It is quite common knowledge that Tokyo has cafes where you can pay to sip coffee and play with a variety of kitty cats. These are called 'Cat Cafes', or ‘Neko Kafes'. These have become successful because it is difficult to have pets in Tokyo. These cafes allow stressed people to have some love in … Continue reading Owl Cafe in Tokyo, Japan! Fukurou Cafe de Takadanobaba